MAXHARDCORE - You said you wanted to be treated like a SLUT
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«One of the best films... FOR ADULTS... of all time....

XXX ... the best assessment of its popularity and quality is the number of comments_ I don't remember so many next to other HEAVYFETISH films....
""Altarno"" Thank you !!! Always the best movies...
«Max should have cum inside her pussy and knocked her up. Would have been awesome to see her pregnant with his baby in her belly.
«Max should have dumped this worthless brainless FUCKPIG face first into a toilet bowl full of piss and brutally r*ped the little anorexic pigs asshole until she passed out
«Wish Max had choked the bitch out. Not to death, bit enough so shed have to be revived mid-rape. Something to ramp up her PTSD.»
«I'd gladly impregnate this skinny bitch»
«Beautiful. Love it when a slut fucks arounnd and finds out. I hope Max beat the snot out of her once the cameras were off.
«Doesn't matter that the piggie was over 18, Ajfucks. If it was living with its father, it was morally his property and had no right to model nude, much less have sex, without his permission. She deserved both the brutal fucking from Max and whatever punishment her father administered to it for its theft, but this first fucking was still rape, as were any others unless Max knocked her up. At that point, title to her body and her life transfer to him.»
«She was 22 when this was made.»
«A girl this stupid needs to be locked up for her own good. Cage in the basement, released only to do housework, get fucked, and give birth.»
«They never show the best part — when the freshly "raped" pigslut is curled into the fetal position, crying and aching from the assault. It's good to start beating it with s belt at that point to motivate it to get up and go home, though if you've planned well and are near a sandpit, you can always use the belt in a different way.»
that piece of shit is rotting in hell. Glad he's dead, fucking rapey pedo»
«Most rape victims bring their suffering on themselves, and Jessie is typical. All she had to do was obey her father, but she was too stupid and greedy to do even that. I hope Max knocked her up, then her father kicked her out for being a slut, and then Max took her in till she had his baby, then made her earn her gruel by blowing truckers. If she eventually got her neck snapped, she earned it by going to Max's room in the first place.»
«Cry all you want, cunt. That only makes it better for the man "raping" you. And when simple fucking isn't enough to bring tears, the heavier stuff starts.»
«Only way to make this better would be to show Jessie realizing Max knocked her up , going to her mommy for help, and the father kicking the shit out of both of them.»
«One of the best scenes ever! After 20 minute mark is the behind the scenes evidence of max actually raping the whore! How every scene should be shot, with the whore afraid to say no, being forced! Beautiful role model for all girls everywhere!»
«Best video ever. Max should have hurt Jessie more. Tying a belt arounnd her neck and yanking it whenever she complained would have stopped the whining, and applying his closed fists to that pretty face once he was done with the rape would have really taught her the lesson she needed. If he'd dumped her leaking cum, covered in piss, and eyes swollen shut, it would have distracted the father long enough to make taking the sister easier.»
«Not every nude model should be treated like this, Anon. If a girl's owner (father, or husband, or pimp) has authorized the shoot, the photographer may not fuck her unless the owner agrees. If she's trying to be independent, though, that makes her fair game for anything, and if it's a dyke, there's no reason to ask for consent.
HornyMommy, Max erred in not getting the father's buy-in. He was justified in roughing her up, but fucking her was theft. But I agree that girls should be required to watch it so they'll learn to obey.»
«Porn actresses deserve to be raped like this. If you sign up for nude photos the photographer should turn the shoot into BDSM rape if he wants to. Beautiful scene little teenie cunt.»
«So great to see this again so many years later. Max was treated so unfairly by the law! He did nothing wrong.
This video should be an instruction for teen girls on what to expect in a relationship. Its so cute and loving!»
«Wah, wah, wah. Dumb bitch brought it on herself. She's lucky Max didn't do a lot worse. Pretty much every so-called rape is like this. Girl tries to tease or manipulate a man and acts all surprised wheh he takes what's she's offering. Hope Max knocked her up, and hope her daddy beat the shit out of her when he found out. Make the mother watch so she'll be motivated to keep the younger sister under control, and tosd this blonfe slut out:»
«The_hunter, that's all true, but we shouldn't confine our mockery to anorexic girls, nor limit their punishment to insults. Any real man owes it to himself and his brothers to break the wills of as many rebellious cunts as possible.»
«Making fun of anorexic cunts is great and Max is the godfather of all the good hunters in porn. "You know you're fat" is a simple yet a great line to repeat in this case. We need to explore the weakness and then attack attack attack the whore,leaving her physically and emotionally broken. This whore dress for strong men, put some make up for strong men and starve for them. A great prey for our games.»
«Max is such a sadist. But I wish I could point my dick in her throat too. I love that skinny body when it is all in a curve.»
«If she was really sixteen years old, then this was criminal. Jessie was both stealing from her father by spreading her legs without his permission and defrauding Max by presenting gherself as a legitimate whore. Hopefully she got a good long beating before her father tossed her out for her crime.»
«This whores real age was 16 I think»
«CockForWhores, the girl's name was Jessie, and she deserved a lot more than she got. I hope her father beat the shit out of her for spreading her legs without permission and then tossed her out still crying. Making the little sister watch that would be the best way to teach her to obey.»
«A lot of modeling auditions go like this. Its just part of the industry. Its good practice for when the producers are much worse to her later!»
«What’s the girls name this is hot as fuck»
«The best thing about this video is how much the girl suffered, and the second-best is how betrayed and helpless she must have felt. If only Max had tied her up too.»
«I came so hard!»
«Not all women deserve to be treated this way. A woman who is properly submissive, admits that she is inferior to anything with a penis, does not try to control access to her holes, and obeys every order given by her husband or pimp (or father if neither married nor sold) should not be beaten publicly nor fucked on screen. treatment like this should be reserved for dykes, feminists, and other, cunts, along with the occasional innocent college junior forced to be a fuckrag in front of the graduating class of her high school as a warning to rising seniors.
But yes, this one deserves everything it got and more. Not only had it defied its father by coming to maxes room, it agreed to bring its sister for Max to rape, thus stealing from its father. hopefully, once it's father told it about what Max had done, he realized what a whore he had raised and sold it to someone who would train it to be a proper woman. once all free will had been raped out of it,and it believed it was safe, it should then have been sent to a pig farm. Let the boars decide whether to fuck it to death or have it for lunch.»
«Stupid whore deserves worse. All women deserve to be treated like this. They're just fuck toys for men to abuse and degrade. The more they suffer and cry the more I cum. Dumb cunt.»
«The cropping is stupid, but the video is awesome. Don't usually get to see the change from human to cunt. Like how this victim got abused and dehumanized. But MH should have bound its hands while raping it and given it black eyes after pisssing down its throat.»
«It would be better if the top and bottom weren't cropped off. It doesn't look better that way.»