«I call bullshit. There was a video when she was outside sucking a dildo. It seems really unlikely someone that had an actual sex slave would be posting online even more unlikely they'd be posting her drivers license or whatever it was to prove she was 18, yeah if you had an actual sex slave you gotta make sure you don't break any laws right? Come on, they're probably perverts into bdsm or they paid the girl then regretted it or got scared someone would actually be dumb enough to take the role play seriously and deleted the videos. Think people! Honestly! Think! The immersion aspect of the story is nice though but there's no way it's real.»
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«I call bullshit. There was a video when she was outside sucking a dildo. It seems really unlikely someone that had an actual sex slave would be posting online even more unlikely they'd be posting her drivers license or whatever it was to prove she was 18, yeah if you had an actual sex slave you gotta make sure you don't break any laws right? Come on, they're probably perverts into bdsm or they paid the girl then regretted it or got scared someone would actually be dumb enough to take the role play seriously and deleted the videos. Think people! Honestly! Think!
The immersion aspect of the story is nice though but there's no way it's real.»
«more more please. is ths real ?»