Brutal Master Wednesday – Ausmodeus Bites
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«What's the matter daddy? Did you make a mess in your pants again?»
«So nice to see that pale body becoming red. She is skinny, so it hurts extra. Her cunt and asshole are nice. She should have been whipped there too.»
«liked the result of her whipping. nice marks on her chalky-white skin. nice verbal moans, but we couldn't see her face. love watching a slave suffer, the agony on her face. too long between lashes too. not a favorite of mine, but a nice whipping nonetheless.»
«Surely Wednesday, she is satisfied with the flogging she has received, she requested it and even made the whips that were to be used to flog her.
The question is, how long will this voluntary "punishment" last?
Forever ? Or will she need to be disciplined again?»