SLAVE MOUTH - Punish my Mouth (Felicity Feline)
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«Can't agree, Anonymous. This piggy needs to be kept alive for a good long time for several reasons. First off, it's quite pretty, with a tight body and first-rate udders. It would be a shame to waste its genes, so there needs to be enough forced pregnancies to provide a surplus of replacement whores — at least two. That'll take a while, and while it's popping out babies you have to restrain urself on punishment.
But not forever. Once it's produced two girl babies to sell (or one boy to be adopted by a good home), its will must be broken. By whatever means it most fears — gangrapes, whipping, dogfucking, etc — it should be forced to admit the truth about all its lies. These exercises must be non-lethal and leave it with the ability to speak and write so it can publically apologize for every time it has defied male authority.
Once it has atone for its rebellion and deceit, it will be time to put it down. This needs to be slow and painful. Ideally you want it to be so despairing and afraid that it tries to end itself, but in fact don't allow that. Women don't own anything — not even their own lives — so it doesn't get to make that decision. But once it tries pills or whatever, you can then move onto the last stage of your — not its — choosing.»
«Can't agree, Anonymous. This piggy needs to be kept alive for a good long time for several reasons. First off, it's quite pretty, with a tight body and first-rate udders. It would be a shame to waste its genes, so there needs to be enough forced pregnancies to provide a surplus of replacement whores — at least two. That'll take a while, and while it's popping out babies you have to restrain urself on punishment.
But not forever. Once it's produced two girl babies to sell (or one boy to be adopted by a good home), its will must be broken. By whatever means it most fears — gangrapes, whipping, dogfucking, etc — it should be forced to admit the truth about all its lies. These exercises must be non-lethal and leave it with the ability to speak and write so it can publically apologize for every time it has defied male authority.
Once it has atone for its rebellion and deceit, it will be time to put it down. This needs to be slow and painful. Ideally you want it to be so despairing and afraid that it tries to end itself, but in fact don't allow that. Women don't own anything — not even their own lives — so it doesn't get to make that decision. But once it tries pills or whatever, you can then move onto the last stage of your — not its — choosing.»
«this si the fucking stuff man, id love to wreck an alt bitch like this, shouldve abused her more to be honest»
«that's a too nice room for a cunt that's only going to last a few weeks why are you even feeding her just make her choke on your dick and die»
«Oh, the cunt didn't have to be lying in its complaint about FA. The heroes there did deliberatly, knowingly, and with premeditation set out to exploit its stupidity, credulity, and weakness by making promises they always intended to break, knowing that it was desperate and foolish. I'm sure this cunt began the shoot thinking it could safeword out and was intimidated into not doing so.
But so what? What happened in the FA video would have been criminal if the victim had been a person, but it wasn't. Cunts don't have rights. Women only retain rights by obeying their fathers before marriage/sale to a pimp, and submitting to their husbands after marriage if they're wed off, or doing whatever their pimps & johns instruct if they're sold. This one, trying to be independent, is fair game for whatever the first man to clain wants to do to it. It should thank God nobody has decided to strangle it for yuks or mate it to a dog as an example to young girls. If it wants to stop getting beaten and "raped", it better persuade its closest male relative to pick it a husband or pimp to sell it too and pray for a lucky break.»
«This bitch is a loser lmao complained about facial abuse then does this LMAO»