«This bitch right here is the reason why I have a fantasy to fuck a stupid blue haired liberal moron like her. She’s got rockin tits and a pretty nice body for a Bull dyke. They fucked her up good in her fuck scenes. I’d love to have this bitch deep throating me while I slam my fist into her ribs. Would love to cream pie down her throat and then give her a roundhouse across the bridge of her nose to get her the fuck off me once I’m satisfied with how I’ve jerked myself off with her body.»
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«This bitch right here is the reason why I have a fantasy to fuck a stupid blue haired liberal moron like her. She’s got rockin tits and a pretty nice body for a Bull dyke. They fucked her up good in her fuck scenes. I’d love to have this bitch deep throating me while I slam my fist into her ribs. Would love to cream pie down her throat and then give her a roundhouse across the bridge of her nose to get her the fuck off me once I’m satisfied with how I’ve jerked myself off with her body.»