FACE FUCKING - Kiki Parker
96% (81 votes)
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«these nobodys only make 300 for a rough blowjob scene, for all holes abused under a grand, cash. Think about that. Totally destroyed, mental health in the trash, now online so no man worth a shit would touch this let alone marry or have a child with. For what I make in 3 days as a plumber on a bad week, in a day for a water service call. They know EXACTLY whats in store too so its impossible to feel bad. They are made to watch other videos while being recorded doing so THEN sign the contract so theres zero chance to sue, to cry abused, whatever. And why all the precautions? These cunts will be demons until they think itd be better to play victim and can go from shit talking in your face cunts acting like gangsters to poor little helpless crying babies as fast as hitting a switch. I dont know about you guys but the modern city girl, the average woman from 18-40s is a complete piece of shit. I wasnt sexist, didnt disrespect women, believed in love, ect until I found out the truth. No I didnt red pill this happened before all the backlash. But now its like the matrix, theres no going back now I know the truth. Chivalry is dead and modern women are to blame. Was falsely accused of assult by my ex after 10 years when leaving her. cunt was cheating so lets add insult to injury by trying to ruin my life because cunt was mad I left. Ok... since then I bring a woman home there is a camera on them, every single room is recording at all times. Suck my dick bitch and out the door. I will tell them anything, I dont care, sub human anyway, just to use a bitch. Its revenge to them all so Ive made it a hobbie to play rich single guy who wants love, yeah sure ill be a step dad, pay for everything. yep sure will....suck it bitch and you know whats the most enjoyable part? The look on their faces when the realization hits them. No you crazy whore bitch Im no white knight, that man died 3 years ago. Ive changed. Never enjoyed a womans tears before, thought lowly of men who did. That look of emotional hurt is better than fucking a dry bitches ass, which now is every woman or else dream is shattered right then. They are the smarter ones. The girls who grit through the pain all for nothing in the end, the ones that still had a soul to crush still...the fresh divorced singles, the desperate moms, those are the ones I enjoy spitting on the most. If threatened, which happens a lot, the realization I recorded it all, everything, and the fact I will post online forever if Im fucked anyways has kept them inline. Hated, had guys show up here, ect but worth it. Its not being pretty, or nice that turns me on its the tears, the degrading part, the tossing of their shirt to wipe the cum off them, rushing them out afterwards. That is the pleasure. Had to put a ring camera on my porch just so I would never miss a single tear on the way out.»
«Doesn't matter how much the slut was paid. Better if they get nothing but gruel and water. They're not human, just fuckmeat.»
«True enough, deadvector, but who cares? Women need to do as they're told.»
«any whore that would do this for less than $2 or $3K is one dumb masochistic death-wisher»