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«dis one made my yoingysploin brop
«Trying my best to convince you to fuck me»
«Good slut»
«A deeply disappointing offering. The victim was triply a cunt— a masterless whore trying to profit off its holes, a feminist trying to sabotage society by getting educated rather than dedicating itself to the service of a man, and an unnatural dyke in rebellion against biology. The trifecta of cuntitude, everything about it screamed for breaking. But the guys let us down. Probably this was because the cunt's girlfriend knew where it was and would have dropped a dime if it hadn't come home when scheduled or with broken bones. This just shows the flaw in relying on volunteers rather than snatching cunts off of college campuses.
Plan ahead, men. Search carefully for your victims. First find a woman who complains about being catcalled or doesn't smile on command. Stalk the cunt, and if its a dyke, grab its girlfriend along with it; if it's a young mommy, grab the brat. In either case, make sure the victim know you have the hostage and that it will watch the hostage suffer when it disobeys. That will ensure a no-holds-barred shoot, and the victim won't balk at drinking piss, eating its own shit, or anything else. Once the victim is broken, release the hostage if a child, and if it's another dyke, repeat with hostage and victim switching roles. When you're done, you can sell them both — or, if one is fat or ugly, dispose of it with noose, hog, or pyre.»