FACE FUCKING - Keegan Kade master
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«I hate this site now fuck u guys for not letting us easily download anymore»
«As usual, the law forced them to go too easy. A whore like this should have left limping as well as crying, and both her eyes should have been black the next day. She deserved it:»
«This needs to be done to more girls. A nice brutal pseudo-rape would teach them to keep in their place.»
«Stupid even for a girl. I love it. I'd love to keep her on my farm for the whole season. 54771»
«Bet this triggered a lot of flashbacks for the whore.
«Śliczna :całunek:»
«Love it at 38:15 or so, when the piggy is sucking its thumb while Boots is fucking it medium hard and he offers to go slow if it tells him what it most hates about itself. If it had a brain it would have answered; if it had a spine it would have fought back. But it was only a woman, so it just cried, so Boots just raped it harder.
A beautiful scene. I hope the reason this piggy dropped out of porn is that the guys kjust kept it in a cage for the rest of its short life.»
.... !!! ![:P](https://www.hubx.vicetemple.io/static/images/emoticons/tongue.png)
«Wish they'd hurt this lying whore more. Much more. When she tried to go to her happy place, they should have choked her out, revived her, and made her do ass to mouth till she begged to be knocked up instead.»
«Cudownie skrzywdzona "35:45 - 38:50" obłędna scena gwałtu, widok jej twarzy doprowadza do orgazmu»
«@ m1so2
An uppity cunt like this one should never be allowed to go to its happy place. It should be beaten, mocked, and "raped" until its spirit breaks completely, thenf fucked some more. Its only escape should be eating rat poison.»
«I agree the cunt probably felt raped, but that doesn't make it so. A lying, thieving, uppity bitch like this one doesn't have the right to say no. If it wanted to be treated gently it should have gotten married to some weak man who believes all the feminist lies. And if it wanted respect … well, not even decent wives get that.
They should have gone harder. It had a lovely face, a tight little body, and didn't bore with sad stories or try to fight; clearly it already knew its only use in life was to keep cocks hard. Put a plastic bag over its head for a few minutes, let it turn blue, and it will submit to a marriage auction. You wouldn't even have to break its jaw or dislocate its shoulder to crush its spirit. Keep it knocked up until it has produced a couple of sons, or enough daughters to sell into whoredom to recoup the purchase price. Once that is done, you can move on to the stuff it won't survive.»
«35:45 - 38:50, Enjoy it. You don't get to see legal rape scenes every day.
"Just suck your thumb and go to your happy place"»
«Good girl, Suck your thumb…. Does this remind u of something?»