«She's not in this video, but I would really, really, REALLY love to see Kyra get worked over, big-time!! She's in a lot of these videos & does quite a few Mood Castings. She's a hard sadist & canes the hardest of all the women.»
«Bonjour, J'ai découvert depuis peu vos vidéos. Dans cette vidéo je vois que cette personne a gagné mais elle a vraiment dégusté. Par contre vous devriez mettre ces Dom's à la place de cette personne et leurs donner les mêmes châtiments. Qu'en pensez-vous?. Je pense qu'elles feraient moins les malines. J'espère que cela se fera. Cordialement Arnaudclub»
«I can't decide whether it's best to whip a cunt while it's standing eith feet free so it can rotate on command (thus making it participate in the punishment) or to bind it so securely that it can't move a millimeter (thus emphasizing its powerlessness). But either way it should be fucked afterwards, to make sure it knows women exist solely to serve males. If it's attractive and reasonably attractive, like the victim in this video, the man who is buying it should be the one to fuck, but if it's ugly or a particularly uppity dyke or other feminist, you probably need a dog. But either way, a post-fucking beating is usually in order the first time unless the dog it was mated to accidentally killed it.»
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«She's not in this video, but I would really, really, REALLY love to see Kyra get worked over, big-time!! She's in a lot of these videos & does quite a few Mood Castings. She's a hard sadist & canes the hardest of all the women.»
«@ looping45
It's not like the whores get a vote. They take whatever punishment they're told to or get something worse: Should be that way with all women.»
«They are so gorgeous, I can't believe they can take so much pain!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!»
J'ai découvert depuis peu vos vidéos.
Dans cette vidéo je vois que cette personne a gagné mais elle a vraiment dégusté.
Par contre vous devriez mettre ces Dom's à la place de cette personne et leurs donner les mêmes châtiments. Qu'en pensez-vous?.
Je pense qu'elles feraient moins les malines.
J'espère que cela se fera.
«I can't decide whether it's best to whip a cunt while it's standing eith feet free so it can rotate on command (thus making it participate in the punishment) or to bind it so securely that it can't move a millimeter (thus emphasizing its powerlessness). But either way it should be fucked afterwards, to make sure it knows women exist solely to serve males. If it's attractive and reasonably attractive, like the victim in this video, the man who is buying it should be the one to fuck, but if it's ugly or a particularly uppity dyke or other feminist, you probably need a dog. But either way, a post-fucking beating is usually in order the first time unless the dog it was mated to accidentally killed it.»
«You guys make good »
«She's so hot being whipped»
«Make more videos with her»