«Bonjour, Amanda a été dure avec Ariel. Amanda savait qu'en choisissant son dos elle allait la finir vite fait. Amanda devrait refaire tout à fait la même séance qu'Ariel à subi et voir si elle ira au bout. Cordialement Arnaudclub»
«Extreme is one word for EP videos, but I prefer to think of them as justice. The victims in these videos think they can sell access to their bodies and keep the money for themselves, implicitly buying into the feminist lie that women have rights not granted by their fathers, husbands, or owners. fuck that shit. These cunts all need to be taught a lesson. Once they have learned and except that they only exist to serve men, they can be married offf if they come from good stock and might produce intelligent, strong sons. but if they come from trash, which is pretty likely, they can just be turned into mouth slaves or punching bags, which ever hurts more, until their bodies give out.»
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«My stepdads friends always stare»
«beautiful women. love her marks and love her agony.»
Amanda a été dure avec Ariel.
Amanda savait qu'en choisissant son dos elle allait la finir vite fait.
Amanda devrait refaire tout à fait la même séance qu'Ariel à subi et voir si elle ira au bout.
«Extreme is one word for EP videos, but I prefer to think of them as justice. The victims in these videos think they can sell access to their bodies and keep the money for themselves, implicitly buying into the feminist lie that women have rights not granted by their fathers, husbands, or owners. fuck that shit. These cunts all need to be taught a lesson. Once they have learned and except that they only exist to serve men, they can be married offf if they come from good stock and might produce intelligent, strong sons. but if they come from trash, which is pretty likely, they can just be turned into mouth slaves or punching bags, which ever hurts more, until their bodies give out.»
«Damn, this thing is serious...Who funds you?? This is beyond extreme»