«This would be a good way to cure dykes. Girls showing signs of being lesbian or trans should be required to watch this being done to an adult victim, with the warning that it will be done to them once they turn 21 if they persist. If they keep it up, give them three chances. Once with the simple whipping; once with whipping plus gangbang; once with those plus cutting off their air for 30 seconds. If a girl gets to that point but happens to be hot, keep her alive for five years or two pregnancies, then re-enact phase two, except continue with the suffocation till she stops twitching. We'll be free of dykes in a decade.»
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«This would be a good way to cure dykes. Girls showing signs of being lesbian or trans should be required to watch this being done to an adult victim, with the warning that it will be done to them once they turn 21 if they persist. If they keep it up, give them three chances. Once with the simple whipping; once with whipping plus gangbang; once with those plus cutting off their air for 30 seconds. If a girl gets to that point but happens to be hot, keep her alive for five years or two pregnancies, then re-enact phase two, except continue with the suffocation till she stops twitching. We'll be free of dykes in a decade.»
«The domina is really a bitch here...»
«Love the fear & despair. Love it when they make the cunt turn arounnd.»