«"Text None of the actresses suffered any permanent damage during the shooting of the following film. The most graphic scenes were created using special effects."
Given that EP was eventually shut down by simps in Hungary ,I disbelieve this.
Not that it matters. If these whores were being rented out by their husbands or pimps, presumably the lease contract provided for maiming or disfigurement. If they were independent, they deserved whatever any real man decides to do to and take from them. Porn actresses are not people.»
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«"Text None of the actresses suffered any
permanent damage during the shooting
of the following film.
The most graphic scenes were created
using special effects."
Given that EP was eventually shut down by simps in Hungary ,I disbelieve this.
Not that it matters. If these whores were being rented out by their husbands or pimps, presumably the lease contract provided for maiming or disfigurement. If they were independent, they deserved whatever any real man decides to do to and take from them. Porn actresses are not people.»
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