«looping45, any healthy pigslut can take this much "abuse." You just have to ignore its tears and be careful not to cut up its pussy, ass, and mouth. Those should only be ruined by cock, dildo, and childbirth:»
«would love to see this bitch fucked after her whipping. love frontal whippings. you get to see the damage from the lash as well as watch the agony on the slave's face. beautiful woman.»
«Can never decide whether it is better for the cunt to be beaten while bound on its knees or back so tightly that it can't possibly move (thus emphasizing its helplessness) or standing up with its feet and legs free so it can be forced to turn around from time to time (thus participate in the torture).
Oh well. The cats get what they deserve either way. They do need to be fucked more, though.»
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«I wish my holes to massage your cock!»
«looping45, any healthy pigslut can take this much "abuse." You just have to ignore its tears and be careful not to cut up its pussy, ass, and mouth. Those should only be ruined by cock, dildo, and childbirth:»
«Theyre all so gorgeous, cant believe how much pain theyt can take!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!»
«would love to see this bitch fucked after her whipping. love frontal whippings. you get to see the damage from the lash as well as watch the agony on the slave's face. beautiful woman.»
«i wish i was Ariel's pain slave, she is a Pure Goddess!!!»
«Can never decide whether it is better for the cunt to be beaten while bound on its knees or back so tightly that it can't possibly move (thus emphasizing its helplessness) or standing up with its feet and legs free so it can be forced to turn around from time to time (thus participate in the torture).
Oh well. The cats get what they deserve either way. They do need to be fucked more, though.»