«For the right price in Mexico you can buy real virgins from their moms. Of the many I've deflowered, I found slow preparation, get your head in doggy, slow motion then bam! Yes, it may hurt but once the initial scream is over and blood appears quickly fuck then hard with medium strokes. Their cunt should be flowing juices by now. You're ready to plow that hole doggy. Once you nut in her, have her clean you and then have her hop aboard for more. I usually buy them for a week. When I'm done loving them, their cunts are opened nicely and with the many loads deposited, most get pregnant. I come back to visit about 5 months later to marry them like I tell them. I fuck them hard for another week, then go on our "honeymoon" and sell them.»
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«For the right price in Mexico you can buy real virgins from their moms. Of the many I've deflowered, I found slow preparation, get your head in doggy, slow motion then bam! Yes, it may hurt but once the initial scream is over and blood appears quickly fuck then hard with medium strokes. Their cunt should be flowing juices by now. You're ready to plow that hole doggy. Once you nut in her, have her clean you and then have her hop aboard for more. I usually buy them for a week. When I'm done loving them, their cunts are opened nicely and with the many loads deposited, most get pregnant. I come back to visit about 5 months later to marry them like I tell them. I fuck them hard for another week, then go on our "honeymoon" and sell them.»
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