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«My ex liked latex. Once she dressed in such an outfit and was waiting for guy Like a little pup. But I knew she was cheating on me like that with other guys. I pretended that I didn't know anything and I came home instead of him.
. I pulled the straps tight so she couldn't move or walk. She was 100% defenseless bitch.
I went out of home. We lived in the countryside. There were often broken fences and the neighbors' dogs came to us porch. I called them and they came. Pibull and doberman. I started doing them a handjob. When their penises were hard locked them in the room with the ex. To this day I remember her screaming from under the rubber mask. Did I mention that I specially unzipped the zipper so that the anus was accessible, not the pussy. Oh well. and she still sued her lover not me haha»