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«Dont you think she look almost exactly like:
«get it DOWN in your LUNGS!! bootleg. is. the. man.»
«Loved it. A girl this stupid was bound to get raped over and over throughout her life till she accepted that she could only escape by submitting to a single man. Boots taught her a much-needed lesson. If he'd taken a belt to her this would be perfect, but knowing she probably went on to get knocked up by the first boss who realized she couldn't say no to any authority figure makes up for it.»
«Wonder how Boots knew Old MacDonald would trigger the whore?
Nah, that's easy. They tricked it into telling them. It's as stupid as any other woman.»
«If this girl were smart, she could be a secretary or receptionist. But she's a retard.
If she were strong, she could get a job mopping floors or waiting tables. But she's a weakling.
If she came from good stock, she could get married and produce sons. But she' comes from trash.
If she had a pretty face, she could be somebody's mistress and be shown off at parties. But though she's got a nice body, her face is fugly.
If she were quiet, she could be a nanny or maid. But she talks out of turn.
Women arent good for much, but this one could only ever be a cum slut or punching bag. Hope the next guy to see her was much rougher. Probably the best use for her is in a detention camp at the Mexican border. During the day she can clean latrines, and at night she can suck off the guard dogs. She won't survive a week, but at least those few days will be funny.»
«Poor baby. This is what you get for being you. You brought this on yourself like they all do. Hope fhey broke your hjaw once the camera shut off to teach you to be quiet. Only reason to keep you alive is so you can make men come. You deserve worse.»
«"Old McDonald had a farm."
Just about perfect. No further porn from this bitch means she either is locked in Boots' basement sucking off his Rott in exchange for Alpo or just walked in front of a bus so she wouldn't have to remember this. Don't know which is better.»
«Cry all you want, cunt. Won't help. Wish they'd raped your ass on camera but that probably had to wait till you were washing dishes so they could lube you with detergent. No reason to ever let a girl like this one go. Make her suck you off in the morning, keep house all day, fuck her at night. Keep her locked up in between. Give her rat poison when you're bored with her»
«What a fucking liar. She was only pretending to have learned her lesson at the end. The proof is that she claimd to want an ordinary job so she wouldn't have to get roughfucked any more.
You are a woman. That means you're property. You're fuckmeat. Stay home and serve your husband, or fuck your boss if he tells you too. Those are your options.»
«Really quality quality porn. Loved the way he yelled at her, loved her whimpering. You can see that her neck is bulging because her little Jesus necklace pops up when bootleg hits his g-spot. Wish we had seen a leg lock... 9/10»
«My favorite part is at the end when bootleg blows his snot right on the bitches face lmao ????»
«So fucking good. Love when he yells at her. She definitely got taught a good lesson and this is a fucking perfect porn.»
«Not evil. She deserved worse. And by the end she'd learned to simply do what she was told. That's why women exist. If she kept to that, she probably made a good wife later and only got beat on birthdays and holidays, instead of daily for mouthing off.»
«That one was evil»
«@ prettyvictimhannah
Child molestation is wrong, especially when it involves incest. No father should fuck his own child, especially as it risks generating subhuman cunts like this one who disgustingly try to control their sexual orifices instead of submitting to a father, husband, or pimp. This creatws the need to rape the free will out of them and can ultimately force the victim's being put down before it can be forced to bear strong sons and compliant daughters. A shame, really.»
«i love it when young girls were abused as children and now have to show off their trauma at porn so everyone sees it... the world is so misogynistic and evil and i love it»
«@ Anonymous
This vivtim deserved everything that was done to it in this shoot, but it earned a reprieve by submitting at the very end. it should be allowed to live if it stayed with its declaration to but it would drop out of porn and do everything it was told by a man from that point forward. no need to make it vulture food until it gets fat from too many babies, its boobs get ruined from too much breast-feeding, or of course is owner feels like it.»
«stupid weird white trash. it deserved to get beaten fucked and left for the vultures»
«@ pussylover69
The victim deserved every slap, thrust, and insult we see, plus more.
But maybe not forever. If it was telling the truth about quittting porn, some man may have taken it in and pretended it was human for a while. It's so stupid it would believe sucking & spreading on command would keep it safe from further beatings,and so wouldn't fight being knocked up. After it produces four or five daughters for sale as wives or whores, take a hammer to it in front of its brats so they know what defiance earns women.»
«she is so cute shy and obedient, I would do kiss, lick, suck tits and all soft stuffs if I were them, french kisa her while she ride me and tell her I love her»
«@ deadvector
I hope it made less. Paying whores rather than their owners supports the feminist lie that women have rights. apparently this one learned its lesson, as it forswore porn at the very end, but it would have served it right if they had taken a belt to its face just to be sure.»
«i just hope the cunt made more than $200»
«The cunt deserved everything it got and more. It earned every insult, slap, and painful thrust the second it stepped onto a porn set. If it wanted to be treated better, it should have gotten married and remaindd a SHE; then only its hypothetical husband would have the right to hit it.»
«I know what this woman was getting herself into . But Man i have never felt this sorry for anyone, no one deserves to be treated like this. If i was a wealthy man i would marry her and save her from this and give her wealthy clean worthy life.»
«i want this girl at my home»
«I have been looking for this video for so long! ;
Thank you so much!!!! 

«this video was deleted says it can't be found, could you upload it again? please friend!!»
«analrecruiters pleaseee»