«Annoying. This cunt was the victim in a far better Facial Abuse scene. This shows the pointlessness of Sperm Suckers in particular and using volunteers in general. The ideal porn scene would show a hot cunt being taken from its bed and beaten & fucked till it begged for mercy, only to get laughed at. This cunt was so ugly that it could only be amusing if they'd broken its jaw first and then made it do a blowbang anyway.»
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«Annoying. This cunt was the victim in a far better Facial Abuse scene. This shows the pointlessness of Sperm Suckers in particular and using volunteers in general. The ideal porn scene would show a hot cunt being taken from its bed and beaten & fucked till it begged for mercy, only to get laughed at. This cunt was so ugly that it could only be amusing if they'd broken its jaw first and then made it do a blowbang anyway.»