«I like when Boots forced the piggy to admit it agreed to suck him after knowing him only 20 minutes, but even that was longer than necessary. It's unmarried and a feminist, so it doesn't matter what it wants. Just take it.»
«Love how they broke this victim's spirit. It began with the delusion that it was a person with rights, but of course it had surrendered its personhood by stepping onto a porn set and expecting to keep the fee. Happily the heroes taught it better. Between the slapping, the insults, and the raping of its holes, the cunt's powerlessness was shown to it. This one was young and still in school, so maybe it learned its lesson, dropped out of both porn and college, and returned to its father so he could find a husband and allow it to become a SHE again. Or, failing that, maybe its male classmates saw the video, realized what it was, and banded together to take their pleasure from it. Ten or twenty guys keeping it in a frathouse basement for a month and fucking it as a party should leave it either knocked up or with a snapped neck — broken either way.»
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«Condoms are never an option for me»
«I like when Boots forced the piggy to admit it agreed to suck him after knowing him only 20 minutes, but even that was longer than necessary. It's unmarried and a feminist, so it doesn't matter what it wants. Just take it.»
«nothing special»
«Love how they broke this victim's spirit. It began with the delusion that it was a person with rights, but of course it had surrendered its personhood by stepping onto a porn set and expecting to keep the fee. Happily the heroes taught it better. Between the slapping, the insults, and the raping of its holes, the cunt's powerlessness was shown to it. This one was young and still in school, so maybe it learned its lesson, dropped out of both porn and college, and returned to its father so he could find a husband and allow it to become a SHE again. Or, failing that, maybe its male classmates saw the video, realized what it was, and banded together to take their pleasure from it. Ten or twenty guys keeping it in a frathouse basement for a month and fucking it as a party should leave it either knocked up or with a snapped neck — broken either way.»