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«I found out a long time ago how to deal with fat lazy bitches like this one. You teach them to work hard with your hands. For example, I used to have this fat little Mexican broad who had great pussy, but would squirm around, especially when it felt good for me. So if I had her missionary, I would open palm slap the living fuck out of her inner thigh. I’m talking about leaving a welt of your hand print. The first time I did it her eyes got real big and she got startled. And I calmly explained that every time she moves from the position I hold her in, she is going to get another one. And she learned. FAST. if we were in doggy style, I gave her one in the ribs, or ass. For the ass, it’s a meatier part and women kind of like being slapped there. But I made sure it wasn’t pleasant for her at all. For her ass, I hit her super hard. It was a “miracle”. She learned all the positions and angles that I liked. Fast. And even then I still smacked the fuck out of her thighs and ribs sometimes to entertain myself.»
«I love Latina whores»
«She got some pretty feet tho.
«truly an offensive video. disgustingly fat»
«Not good ,,,,, fucking fat Lazy bitch. ,,,,,,,,full lazyness in this video she not good bitch»