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«@cccmcc10s, in complete agreement again.... although, I fail to understand why they run the risk of some type of Nerve Damage by Whipping on The Upper Back where Skin is so very thin; compared to Tits & Ass, where the skin is thicker & there are Fat Layers for added protection too....
«if ed would have been smart, he would have whipped the bitch's tits and cunt for false advertising. blonde hair and black cunt. and what they hell is she doing with hair on her cunt? how am I supposed to see her landing strip, cunt lips and clit? the dom in the second vid is hot. would have been nice to see more of her. and her sub is hot too. but why is it that doms refuse to squeeze and suck a sub's delicious tits? what do you think women want? that's what we want is to see their tits squeezed and slapped and pulled and twisted and whipped and sucked and bitten and whipped and caned and tied and tortured. why do these doms go against human nature? USE THOSE TITS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!»