FACE FUCKING - Felicity Feline 2
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«Daddy determined that it was time to begin breaking in my new tits. He's very sweet, training a useless doll like me!»
«She was born for this job nothing but a stupid whore is she.»
«Idk wtf you all talking about this scene was weak as hell. Just a lazy Saturday after the bar. They went so easy on her it was boring.. Her first scene was way harder and more degrading for her. They mustve been afraid of some possible legal consequences or something...»
«KnowTheirPlace00, breaking the neck is too good for this pig. It's too quick.»
«Wow lying whore came back and did a second shoot with them. Hope once the cameras were off they didnt stop and kept face fucking it until that annoying voice was gone. Stupid whore should be tied up , and be used as the set of holes it is. I agree with victiry . She should be used to pump out some replacement whores and then have her gangbanged until shes begging for death just to break her neck»
«I agree this piggy needs severe treatment, WomenAreFuckMeat, but that's too quick. At least a dozen men should get to try every hole first, and really it should be knocked up a few times. first. And make it beg to be put down before you do it. On ftape»
«I love bootleg and pauly!!!»
«Typical lying hypocrite bitch...she deserves to get her face punched with a iron knuckles multiple time while getting ass fucked. Cut her head right on the spot and throw that in the trash while fucking her headless body»
«While it's true that this pigslut deserves to be punched in the face till something breaks, it needs to do a gangbang first., and then to be knocked up and required to produce a couple of replacement whores. The punchfest should be the next to last thing it experiences in life.»
«Saw an artist animate a gal being punched repeatedly in the face . I believe thats what needs to happen here»
«This needs to happen to more lying bitches. Only thing wrong here is that it was paid.»
«Lying slut. Needs to be strung up.»
«Stupid whore»
«What a fucking liar. Needs a serious beatibg.»
«Why would you do this to your self felicity why go back»
«@ Anonymous
What abuse? For that matter, what "she"? There is no female person being mistreated in this scene — only a subhuman cunt being taught a lesson. If it wants to stop being a victim for our amusement, it needs to submit to a single man as his wife, mistress, or other slave/»
«Fucking dumb whore. I glad it hated it's abuse. It makes me cum even harder knowing that. Stupid slut deserved everything it got.»
«Morgan Wellinger»
«@misogyny apostle dude you NEED help. the things you say are way out of line and go way way way waaaaay to far..wtf you should be on a watch list by the government from now on..»
«Don't be silly, Jesus. You can't rape a cunt like this one; there's nobody to steal it from.»
«This bitch playing victim on YouTube lmao.. As expected from dumb whores and here she's doing another scene... Bitch deserves to get raped by horse dicks until she die.. Lying bitch deserves worst.. Throw her body in disposal after raping this dumb whore and kill her»
«I wanna be used like this so bad by multiple men»
«This cunt really belongs in prison. It posted a slanderous video on YouTube accusing the FA heroes of, basically, rape, claiming it was intimidated into participating and that its SafeWord was ignored. Obviously a lie. Not merely because it did another FA video and also performed on other porn sites, but because, being without a husband or pimp and no longer under its father's control, it doesn't have rights. rape is a property crime committed when a man fucks a woman without the permission of the woman's owner, typically her husband or father but if she is a whore, just her pimp. Therefore a wife can't be raped by her husband, and a cunt, belonging to no one, can't be raped at all. Period (a father fucking his daughter is committing a different crime, incest.)
So felicity feline is a typical lying cunt. It needs to be taken to Hungary and forced to perform in an elite pain video until it either repents of its lies or one of its ribs gets fractured, whichever comes second. Yes once it's well, Hart, and bones have been broken, it can be put in a jail cell to amuse the inmates until its hearts stops.»