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«Genuinely makes me happy when whores start telling their shitty sob stories of how they were raped growing up. Best way to start an abusive scene»
«Womans have no dignity, 16:35 she still jerking bootleg»
«Lucky father
«Super cute head to toes, takes a great anal beating!!!!!!!!!!!!!»
«Hope they took a dump on her before sending her on her way...»
«College girls are hilarious. They cheat their way through school by blowing the dean, but when things get a little rough they act like it's the end of the world:
Cry all you want, bitch. Nobody cares because everybody knows you're a liar. You brought this on urself. You were made to be raped.»
«It's not just what the guys think of her. The world knows she's nothing but a spitoon. And the only thing wrong with her tits is that nobody took a belt to them.»
«I can fix her.»
«The bitch has a decent face, albeit with a bit of a snaggle teeth. Her boobs look like they need to pumped with air or something. But otherwise she's not that bad looking.The best part of the entire video happens at 4:01 when she is shown exactly what the guys think of her... The only thing I wished they did to her was piss on her as a finishing move... Its 9/10 for me anyway.»
«Abuse? I've seen no proof of that. All I saw were scars which were probably the result of beatings by the whore's father or pimp. either way, that would just be a man disciplining his own property or amusing himself with his own slave.
I suppose the beating might have been administered by the stepbrother whom the whore blue in the closet when it was 13. That would have been skirting the edge of abuse, but since this cunt was already stealing by having sex without its father's permission, it's hard to hold the stepbrother guilty. It's like a man who slaps a bitch on the street for refusing to smile when ordered: justified by the circumstances.
But they did do a good job with this bitch. It was surely limping from the repeated brutal sodomy, and though it knew better than to complain or cry rape, you can tell it was about to weep. hopefully the waterworks started on the bus drive home, and the bus driver noticed this, took pity on it, and drag it home with him to make it a person again. this video is more than a decade old, so by now it could have born half a dozen brats (including some future girl slaves) before getting too fat to bother with and being sent into the woods for nature to take its course. But an equally pleasing and perhaps more probable result is that a quintet of toughs on the bus noticed it, followed it home, and took turns using it before breaking its neck.»
«Holy shit. You see the marks on her ugly limb, the history of abuse and you want to thank her dear stepfather or uncle or boyfriend for educating her about her real purpose in life. You can feel that the guys enjoyed it a lot with this whore. So are we my friends, so are we.»
«Fucking classic»
«Hahaha when she’s crying it’s in my ass hahahhahaha get it balls deep guys maybe even stick another dick in, make her wail»