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«I need all your load baby»
« _GIA Paige_ is very beautiful _ a unique charm among porn girls:
Faunted movies from the series: "" Assylum ""
And amazing: "" "" =»
It may have been a cute little sweet girl once, but this scene reveals it as a thieving cunt. Weep though it may over its father not loving it, it brought that on itself by its whoring and defiance. They didn't hit it hard enough. Hopefully it ended up in a snuff.»
«>> Cute little sweet Girl»
«& J
The physical punishment was fine, but the real treat was the psychological torture. When they forced the cunt to face the camera and admit that its daddy would never love it again because of its unauthorized whoring, you could taste the despair in its "soul." The beating beforehand was just to make it speak the truth, as even decent women are reflexive liars. Never believe anything your wife, mistress, or other slave says if you haven't given her a black eye that week — and as for feminists, dykes, and other cunts, a dislocated shoulder or the like before the questioning is wise.»
«Love how they slap and choke the fuck out of this tiny piece of shit»