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«This fat pig whore needs more of a reality check when it comes to men. Slap the fuck out of her whore ass and choke her fucking neck until she submits»
«This is a girl you keep. Either to marry or to turn out.»
«@ Anonymous
Don't be a fool. This is a cunt, not a person. Yes, its stepdaddy should not have diddled it when it was a child; that should have waited till she was at least 21, and if she were still living under his roof, then she was fair game. But that doesn't excuse whoring without a pimp. The guys were merciful with it. Until it marries or accepts an owner, any man should feel free to fuck it, break its ribs, or apply a noose.»
«It is horrible that these men would treat something as innocent and precious like this.
It maybe accepted to her now but in the long run it will have a horrible effect on her mind.
This is inhuman stuff I hate to have tumbled here looking for oral sex videos.
Please don't promote this, and I truly hope that someday these men who treat girls like this are punished.»
«Dumb bitch got what she deserved»
«So thick!»
Is that how he did it? Did he tell you to be quiet?
Step daddy fucked the shit out of this girl»