FACE FUCKING - Lexi Jackson #4
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«Which pair of lips are you kissing first?»
«bet she wasn't aiming for anal. You see how they started video with bootleg putting that dildo in her ass they manipulated her. They probably told her to come in that day not for anal but buttplay ash she recalls that's what the fans wants but she done it herself. The director asked a smart question by saying "obviously we can only imagine what we you got in store for us today. What do you have in store for us." Her dumb ass should of said buttplay but she knew maybe they wouldn't like that so she said sum DP . She should've known what he ment when he said obviously what you got in store for us today and bootleg with dildo not even all the way in her ass he was just waiting for her to say a dumb answer. Dumb whore»
«One of the best movies in the series... !!! Thank you...!!! This fuck is great... and so willing to play with ugly matters for adults "; He likes playing with a female ass...
