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«where can i find men like this? nothing more lovely than real men putting whores in their place, they have to learn what happens when they get so wasted and go out dressed like whores.... i hope she learns the lesson.... we need more men educating sluts and whores like her»
«Surprised they didn't do a threesome»
«Im so Happy !

I Wish i could do that with the Girl WHO rejected me
«This is what non-Muslim women deserves. those who follow Islam will be treated kindly. Women who don't follow islam and don't wear hijabi are just meat for men. Just like hens and goats.They don't got any right especially dumb white Western women. Most dumb whore race of entire humanity»
«Love it. Just wish they'd smackef the victim arounnd a bit more. Women rarely learn their place without at least bruises. This was too beautiful a slut to waste, euther by freeing or killing; her spirit needed to be broken so she'd be a good house slave.»