«Mom turned full second cumming of whore in her 40s and fucked two of my friends like this but with DP and ass to mouth. I found out years after. Wish I was invited. Turns out they even brought other friends at her request and a video turned up. Dad was mad and arranged for them to collect her and make a new movie. She was late 40s and they broke her wide open. Don’t fuck around when you are a 1%er bitch.»
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«Mom turned full second cumming of whore in her 40s and fucked two of my friends like this but with DP and ass to mouth. I found out years after. Wish I was invited. Turns out they even brought other friends at her request and a video turned up. Dad was mad and arranged for them to collect her and make a new movie. She was late 40s and they broke her wide open. Don’t fuck around when you are a 1%er bitch.»